St Pius X Primary Heidelberg West
Welcome to our wonderful school, where every student is treated as an individual and given the attention and support they deserve. At St Pius X, we believe in nurturing a caring and inclusive environment where each child feels valued, respected, and empowered to reach their full potential.
At our school we believe that education is a partnership between parents, students, and educators. Together, we form a team dedicated to guiding and supporting each child as they grow into compassionate, confident, and capable individuals. We aim to create an environment where faith, kindness, and respect are not just taught, but lived out each day.
I warmly invite you to take the opportunity to visit - you’re always welcome!

Michelle McKay

From Our School Captains
What I love about St Pius is that everyone is treated kindly and respectfully. This is part of our school culture, and everyone is expected to follow it. I believe this is important because everyone is caring and inclusive. We look out for each other, and the teachers are always kind.
I love St Pius X for so many reasons, but one of my favourites is our Gardening lessons. We get to cook, learn about nature, and take part in STEM projects, like building a pizza oven from scratch in our community garden. It’s amazing! Our school is the best!
Our school has the best teachers who organise all the fun activities, like art projects, hot food days, and excursions. I love how everyone knows each other and how we always help one another, including the Preps and Year 1s during Buddy Time and playtime. I also enjoy Buddy Time, where I get to read books with my buddy.
One of the things I love about St Pius X is the guinea pigs! I also love that all the teachers know me. It’s exciting when the school takes us on amazing adventures like STEM MAD and the zoo. I bring animal expertise, kindness, and creativity to our school community.